Hi every one.
Here I am going to some important interview questions about java.
If any one having doubts about these topics you can ask me.
Here I am going to some important interview questions about java.
If any one having doubts about these topics you can ask me.
Abstraction: Showing the essential and hiding
the non-Essential is known as Abstraction.
Encapsulation: The Wrapping up of data and functions into a single unit is known as
is the term given to the process of hiding the implementation details of the
object. Once an object is encapsulated, its implementation details are not
immediately accessible any more. Instead they are packaged and are only
indirectly accessed via the interface of the object.
v Inheritance: is the Process by which the Obj of one
class acquires the properties of Obj’s another Class.
A reference
variable of a Super Class can be assign
to any Sub class derived from the Super class.
Inheritance is the method of creating the new class based on already existing class
, the new class derived is called Sub class which has all the features of
existing class and its own, i.e sub class.
Adv: Re usability of code , accessibility of
variables and methods of the Base class by the Derived class.
Polymorphism: The ability to take more that one form, it supports Method Overloading
& Method Overriding.
§ Method overloading: When a method in a class having the same
method name with different arguments (diff Parameters or Signatures)
is said to be Method Overloading. This is Compile time Polymorphism.
Using one identifier to refer to multiple items in the same scope.
§ Method Overriding: When a method in a Class having same method
name with same arguments is said to be Method overriding. This is Run
time Polymorphism.
Providing a different implementation of a method in a subclass of the
class that originally defined the method.
1. In Over loading there is a
relationship between the methods available in the same class ,where as in Over
riding there is relationship between the Super class method and Sub class
2. Overloading does not block the Inheritance from the Super
class , Where as in Overriding blocks Inheritance from the Super Class.
3. In Overloading separate methods share
the same name, where as in Overriding Sub class method replaces the
Super Class.
Overloading must have different method
Signatures , Where as Overriding methods must have same Signatures.
Dynamic dispatch: is a mechanism by which a call to Overridden function is resolved at
runtime rather than at Compile time , and this is how Java implements Run time
v Dynamic Binding: Means the code associated with the given procedure call is not known
until the time of call the call at run time. (it is associated with Inheritance
& Polymorphism).
Bite code: Is a
optimized set of instructions designed to be executed by Java-run time system,
which is called the Java Virtual machine (JVM), i.e. in its standard
form, the JVM is an Interpreter for byte code.
JIT- is a compiler for Byte
code, The JIT-Complier is part of the JVM, it complies byte code into
executable code in real time, piece-by-piece on demand basis.
Final classes :
String, Integer , Color, Math
Abstract class :
Generic servlet, Number class
variable:An item
of data named by an identifier.Each variable has a type,such as
or Object
class variable :A data item associated with a particular class as a whole--not with
particular instances of the class. Class variables are defined in class
definitions. Also called a static
field. See also instance
instance variable :Any item of data that is associated with a particular object. Each
instance of a class has its own copy of the instance variables defined in the
class. Also called a field.
See also class variable.
local variable :A data item known within a block, but inaccessible to code outside the
block. For example, any variable defined within a method is a local variable
and can't be used outside the method.
o class method :A method that is invoked without reference to a
particular object. Class methods affect the class as a whole, not a particular
instance of the class. Also called a static
method. also instance
instance method :Any method that is invoked with respect to an instance of a class.
Also called simply a method.
See also class method.
Interface: Interfaces can be used to implement the Inheritance relationship
between the non-related classes that do not belongs to the same hierarchy, i.e.
any Class and any where in hierarchy.
Using Interface, you can specify what a class must do but not how it
Ø A class can implement more than one Interface.
Ø An Interface can extend one or more interfaces, by
using the keyword extends.
Ø All the data members in the interface are public,
static and Final by default.
Ø An Interface method can have only Public, default
and Abstract modifiers.
Ø An Interface is loaded in memory only when it is
needed for the first time.
Ø A Class, which implements an Interface, needs to
provide the implementation of all the methods in that Interface.
Ø If the Implementation for all the methods declared
in the Interface are not provided , the class itself has to declare abstract,
other wise the Class will not compile.
Ø If a class Implements two interface and both
the Intfs have identical method declaration, it is totally
Ø If a class implements tow interfaces both have
identical method name and argument list, but different return types, the code
will not compile.
Ø An Interface can’t be instantiated. Intf Are
designed to support dynamic method resolution at run time.
Ø An interface can not be native, static,
synchronize, final, protected or private.
Ø The Interface fields can’t be Private or
Ø A Transient variables and Volatile variables can
not be members of Interface.
Ø The extends keyword should not used after the
Implements keyword, the Extends must always come before the Implements keyword.
Ø A top level Interface can not be declared as static
or final.
Ø If an Interface species an exception list for a
method, then the class implementing the
interface need not declare the method with
the exception list.
Ø If an Interface can’t specify an exception list for
a method, the class can’t throw an exception.
Ø If an Interface does not specify the exception list
for a method, he class can not throw any exception list.
The general form of Interface is
Access interface name {
return-type method-name1(parameter-list);
type final-varname1=value;
Marker Interfaces : Serializable, Clonable, Remote, EventListener,
Java.lang is the Package of all classes and is automatically
imported into all Java Program
Interfaces: Clonable ,
Comparable, Runnable
Abstract Class: Abstract classes can be used to implement the inheritance relationship
between the classes that belongs same hierarchy.
Classes and methods can be declared as abstract.
Abstract class can extend only one Class.
If a Class is declared as abstract , no instance of that class
can be created.
If a method is declared as abstract, the sub class gives the implementation
of that class.
Even if a single method is declared as abstract in a Class , the class itself can be declared as abstract.
Abstract class have at least one abstract method and others may be concrete.
In abstract Class the keyword abstract must be used for method.
Abstract classes have sub classes.
Combination of modifiers Final and Abstract is illegal in
Abstract Class means - Which has more than one abstract method which doesn’t have method
body but at least one of its methods need to be implemented in derived Class.
The general form of abstract class is :
type name (parameter list);
class in the java.lang
package represents the abstract concept of numbers. It makes sense to model
numbers in a program, but it doesn't make sense to create a generic number
Difference Between Interfaces And
Abstract class ?
All the methods declared in the Interface are Abstract, where as
abstract class must have atleast one abstract method and others may be
In abstract class keyword abstract must be used for method, where as in
Interface we need not use the keyword for methods.
Abstract class must have Sub class,
where as Interface can’t have sub classes.
An abstract class can extend only one class, where as an Interface can
extend more than one.
What are access specifiers and access modifiers ?
Accesss specifiers Access
Public : The Variables and methods can be access any
where and any package.
Protected : The
Variables and methods can be access same Class, same Package & sub class.
Private : The variable and methods can be access in
same class only.
Same class - Public, Protected, and Private
& subclass
- Public, Protected
Same Package
& non-sub classes - Public, Protected
Different package
& Sub classes - Public, Protected
Different package
& non- sub classes - Public
: are the Variables that are declared under particular Datatype.
are the values assigned to the Identifiers.
: access modifier. Signa: Variable-Static int b; Method- static
void meth(int x)
When a member is declared as Static, it can be accessed before any
objects of its class are created and without reference to any object. Eg :
main(),it must call before any object exit.
Static can be applied to Inner classes, Variables and Methods.
Local variables can’t be declared as static.
A static method can access only static Variables. and they can’t refer
to this or super in any way.
Static methods can’t be abstract.
A static method may be called without creating any instance of the
Only one instance of static variable will exit any amount of class
Final : access
Ø All the Variables, methods and classes can be
declared as Final.
Ø Classes declared as final class can’t be sub
Ø Method ‘s declared as final can’t be over ridden.
Ø If a Variable is declared as final, the value
contained in the Variable can’t be changed.
Ø Static final variable must be assigned in to a
value in static initialized block.
Transient : access
Ø Transient can be applied only to class level
Ø Local variables can’t be declared as transient.
Ø During serialization, Object’s transient variables
are not serialized.
Ø Transient variables may not be final or static. But
the complies allows the declaration and no compile time error is generated.
Volatile: access modifier
Ø Volatile applies to only variables.
Ø Volatile can applied to static variables.
Ø Volatile can not be applied to final variables.
Ø Transient and volatile can not come together.
Ø Volatile is used in multi-processor
Native : access modifier
Ø Native applies to only to methods.
Ø Native can be applied to static methods also.
Ø Native methods can not be abstract.
Ø Native methods can throw exceptions.
Ø Native method is like an abstract method. The
implementation of the abstract class and native method exist some where else,
other than the class in which the method is declared.
Synchronized : access modifier
Ø Synchronized keyword can be applied to methods or parts of the methods only.
Ø Synchronize keyword is used to control the access
to critical code in multi-threaded programming.
Declaration of
access specifier and access modifiers :
- Public, Abstract,
Inner Class -
Public, Protected, Private, Final,
Anonymous -
Public, Protected, Private, Static
Variable -
Public, Protected, Private, Final,
Static, Transient, Volatile, Native
Method -
Public, Protected, Private, Final,
Abstract, Static, Native, Synchronized
Constructor -
Public, Protected, Private
code block - Static,
Package : A Package is a collection of Classes Interfaces that provides
a high-level layer of access protection and name space management.
v Finalize( ) method:
Ø All the objects have Finalize() method, this method
is inherited from the Object class.
Ø Finalize() is used to release the system resources
other than memory(such as file handles& network connec’s.
Ø Finalize( ) is used just before an object is destroyed
and can be called prior to garbage collection.
Ø Finalize() is called only once for an Object. If
any exception is thrown in the finalize() the object is still eligible for
garbage collection.
Ø Finalize() can be called explicitly. And can be
overloaded, but only original method will be called by Ga-collect.
Ø Finalize( ) may only be invoked once by the Garbage
Collector when the Object is unreachable.
Ø The signature finalize( ) : protected
void finalize() throws Throwable { }
Constructor( ) :
Ø A constructor method is special kind of method that
determines how an object is initialized when created.
Ø Constructor has the same name as class name.
Ø Constructor does not have return type.
Ø Constructor cannot be over ridden and can be over
Ø Default constructor is automatically generated by
compiler if class does not have once.
Ø If explicit constructor is there in the class the
default constructor is not generated.
Ø If a sub class has a default constructor and super
class has explicit constructor the code will not compile.
Object : Object is a Super class for all the classes. The methods in Object
class as follows.
Object clone( ) final void notify(
) Int hashCode( )
Boolean equals( ) final void notify( )
Void finalize( ) String toString( )
Final Class getClass( ) final void wait( )
Class : The Class class is used to represent the classes and interfaces that
are loaded by the JAVA Program.
: A class whose instances can hold a single character value. This class also
defines handy methods that can manipulate or inspect single-character data.
and methods provided by the
: The Character
class's only constructor, which creates a Character
object containing the value provided by the argument. Once a Character
object has been created, the value it contains cannot be changed.compareTo
An instance method that compares the
values held by two character objects.equals
An instance method that compares the
value held by the current object with the value held by another.toString()
: An instance method that converts the object to a string.charValue()
:An instance method that returns the value held by the character object as a
primitive char
: A class method that determines whether a
primitive char
value is
String: String is Immutable and
String Is a final class. The
class provides for strings whose value will not change.
One accessor method that you can use with
both strings and string buffers is the
method, which returns the number of characters contained in the string or the
string buffer. The methods in String
) equals( ) indexOff( ) LowerCase( )
) compareTo( ) lastIndexOff( ) UpperCase( )
getChars( ) subString( ) trim( )
getBytes( ) concat( ) valueOf( )
toCharArray( ) replace( )
ValueOf( ) : converts data from its internal formate into
human readable formate.
String Buffer : Is Mutable , The
class provides for strings that will be modified; you use string buffers when
you know that the value of the character data will change.
In addition to
the StringBuffer
class has a method called capacity
which returns the amount of space allocated for the string buffer rather than
the amount of space used.
The methods in StringBuffer Class:-
length( ) append( ) replace( ) charAt( ) and setCharAt( )
capacity( ) insert( ) substring( ) getChars( )
ensureCapacity( ) reverse( )
setLength( ) delete( )
Wraper Classes : are the classes that allow primitive types to be accessed as Objects.
These classes are similar to primitive data types
but starting with capital letter.
Byte Boolean
Short Character
v primitive Datatypes in Java :
According to Java
in a Nutshell, 5th ed boolean, byte,
char, short, long float, double, int.
Float class : The Float and Double provides the methods
isInfinite( ) and isNaN( ).
isInfinite( ) : returns true if the value being
tested is infinetly large or small.
isNaN( )
: returns true if the value being
tested is not a number.
Character class : defines forDigit( ) digit( ) .
ForDigit( ) : returns the digit character
associated with the value of num.
digit( ) :
returns the integer value associated with the specified character (which
is presumably) according to the specified radix.
String Tokenizer : provide parsing process in which it identifies the delimiters
provided by the user, by default delimiters are spaces, tab, new line etc., and
separates them from the tokens. Tokens are those which are separated by
Observable Class: Objects that subclass the Observable class maintain a list of
observers. When an Observable object is updated it invokes the update( ) method
of each of its observers to notify the observers that it has changed state.
Observer interface : is implemented by objects that observe Observable objects.
Instanceof( ) :is used to check to see if an object can be cast into a specified type
with out throwing a cast class exception.
IsInstanceof( ) : determines if the specified Object is assignment-compatible with the
object represented by this class. This method is dynamic equivalent of the Java
language instanceof operator. The method returns true if the specified Object
argument is non-null and can be cast to the reference type represented by this
Class object without raising a ClassCastException. It returns false otherwise.
Collection : When an object is no longer
referred to by any variable, java automatically reclaims memory used by
that object. This is known as garbage
System.gc() method may be used to call it explicitly and does not force the garbage collection but only suggests that the JVM may make an effort to do the Garbage Collection.
System.gc() method may be used to call it explicitly and does not force the garbage collection but only suggests that the JVM may make an effort to do the Garbage Collection.
: can be used to invoke a constructor of the
same class.
super() :can be used to invoke a super class
Inner class
: classes defined in other classes, including those defined in methods are
called inner classes. An inner class can
have any accessibility including private.
Anonymous class
: Anonymous class is a class defined inside a method without a name and is
instantiated and declared in the same place and cannot have explicit
v What is reflection API? How are they
Reflection package is used mainlyfor the
purpose of getting the class name. by useing the getName method we can get name
of the class for particular application. Reflection is a feature of the Java
programming language. It allows an executing Java program to examine or
"introspect" upon itself, and manipulate internal properties of the
share data and share knowledge with others.
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It is good for who attend the interviews on java...